Week 114 of Gibraltar Diary

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Sunday 16th May 2010

At around mid-day I pick my girlfriend up from the airport where she has just flown in from Gatwick - fortunately her flight is not affected by the volcanic ash nonesense. They have to shut down a few flights just to show that they were not panicking last time ...

In the evening we eat at the Rock Hotel where, I am pleased to see, there are more punters eating than usual - I am always worried it will close. The food is magnificent as it always is but I can see that people under 90 years old may see it as a little old fashioned. But, please don't change it - that is its charm.

Monday 17th May 2010

The sun is shining and we decide to take the day off (from what, I hear you ask) and go to Alcalá de los Gazules which is supposed to be amazing but is actually no different from dozens of other Andalusian towns - very white and hard to park.

From there we go to Ronda via 50 miles of stupifying hairpin bends - oh for a Lotus Elise - where we have coffee and cake.

Another 30 miles of hairpin bends and we are in the fleshpots of Marbella. Yes, I know - Marbella is where you go when you have sold your taxi but I quite like it.

As usual, there are lots of pretty girls frolicking on the beach ...

... and a lot of dogs - some of which have four legs.

Not sure why my girlfriend took this picture (she is in charge of the long lens camera) but who am I to argue?

Finally, we are home to watch the sun go down from our balcony.

Tuesday 18th May 2010

Not much happening today ...

Wednesday 19th May 2010

In the morning we take the car down to Quikfit to have the wheels tracked or something. When we go to collect it they have parked it half a mile up the road - near the beach.

Later in the evening we drive up to Europa Point. They seem to be building something around the mosque - quite what is not clear.

For some reason, North Africa always looks a lot closer than it does from Gibraltar - maybe 18 miles away rather than 20 miles. It should not make much difference but it does ...

Thursday 20th May 2010

I am feeling restless and we set off for the genral area of Tarifa where we find a small white town on top of a hill (aren't they all) called Vejer. There is a nice cafe with a good view but the wind is fierce.

Friday 21st May 2010

Again, we set off for the unknown and end up at a town more dramatic than most - Arcos de la Frontera. It is a poor man's Ronda.

Saturday 22nd May 2010

We stay in and my girlfriend spends a lot of time staring at seagulls while I sort of work.

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      End of Week 114 of Gibraltar Diary

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