Week 134 of Gibraltar Diary

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Sunday 3rd October 2010

In the afternoone we watch F78 - HMS Kent leave Gibraltar

In the evening we go down to Queensway Quay to look at all the boats we are glad we did not buy. As we wander around a military transport takes off.

Monday 4th October 2010

On the way down town we spot a ring necked dove. I used to have one that lived on my chimney and would wake me every morning at 5.00am with its lyrical sighing.

In the evening we go to see Grown Ups which got dreadful reviews. Great art it ain't but we enjoyed it.

Tuesday 5th October 2010

It is baking hot and my girlfriend goes sunbathing while I hide indoors

Wednesday 6th October 2010

Today we eat at Cheers. After several hundred visits they are beginning to remember us - not to the extent of remembering to bring my girlfriend a straw but it is early days yet. Maybe in a few years time they will have got it figured.

Thursday 7th October 2010

In the afternoon we go on a tour of all our favourite places south of Gibraltar.

Friday 8th October 2010

At last we buy some new curtains for our bedroom. The previous ones were very thin but these new and exciting curtains are pretty dense in comparison. The creases will probably drop out over time - many problems are solved by just waiting.

Saturday 9th October 2010

It buckets down all day and we get pretty wet walking from the ICC Car Park to the Little Rock Cafe in Casemates Square. After wondering for the last two years what a "casemate" is I finally learn it is a "a fortified gun emplacement or armored structure from which guns are fired".

Like us, this bird looks pretty bedraggled.

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      End of Week 134 of Gibraltar Diary

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