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We stay in and recover after a week of hectic travelling.
The snow is melting - a great disappointment after coming so far.
Who would have thought that "schmuck" meant jewellery? Certainly not me.
This pretty girl stands here all day every day. I'm surprised she hasn't caught her death of cold, as my mum used to say.
In a sudden burst of activity I bundle up all the crap that this hut is stuffed with and hide it under one of the seats in the
living room. The place has become a dumping ground for everything that people don't want. "What shall I do with this unwanted present from
aunt Agatha? I know, I'll take it to the hut"
See, it already looks better.
Off we go to see the home of Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria - Neuschwanstein. The template for the Disneyland castle.
Photography is strictly verboten, the guide admonishes my girlfriend - but not before she has taken this shot.
It's probably also verboten in the underground exit, come to think of it.
These are all metal hinges - not just painted on.
A day of rest. The snow is still melting.
This is the Olympic ski jump - terrifying.
And this is a church - equally terrifying in its own way.
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