Week 154 of Gibraltar Diary

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Sunday 20th February 2011

Off we go to the carnival, or more accurately, masked street procession in Weer, which is just down the hill. Much of this feels very medieval - politically correct it ain't. Black people, old people, cripples - all ripe for mockery.

Most of the "girls" are men in drag who have been getting drunk all day. These look like real girls though ...

Afterwards we go to Innsbruck where my girlfriend poses with a postcard at the very spot it was shot from.

At 7.20pm Hutte Zeit ("hut time" - we operate two hours in advance of the rest of Austria to get us up in the morning) it starts to snow ...

Monday 21st February 2011

It snows all day ...

... and we huddle up close to the fire. Brrr!

Tuesday 22nd February 2011

And the snow keeps falling - right through until midnight ...

Wednesday 23rd February 2011

We wake up to brilliant sunshine at about 10.00am hut time (which is really 8.00am). Today is a major anniversary for one of us and we set off over the Brenner Pass (on the old road, which is free) towards Italy. The stuff in the sky is not clouds - it is genuine mountains.

We stop to admire a Mercedes pickup which I have always fancied.

Eventually, we reach the top of a mountain which is 2,094 metres high. In old money, that is 6,870 ft high. The temperature is down to -12^C. Very chilly.

We stop at a bar which is encased in icicles.

Thursday 24th February 2011

In the morning I am curious as to how hot the hut gets when I light the fire. To my astonishment, the temperature hits 32^C which is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, it is -12^C outside (which is about 21 degrees of frost). The fire goes out at about mid day and the hut temperature drops by one degree per hour.

Finally, after two weeks, the pan of water outside has frozen.

Friday 25th February 2011

This is the Berghof, about 5 miles east of Innsbruck.

Friday 26th February 2011

Finally, we set off for the UK past the terrifying ski jump in Innsbruck. After a while we hit a big hold up that without our navigator would have probably held us up for an hour. But with the aid of high technology, we quickly find an alternative route that, after an endless series of screw ups, adds three hours and 100 miles to the journey.

Exhuasted and irritable, we arrive at our hotel in Saar-Louise where we eat an indifferent but very expensive meal and go to bed.

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      End of Week 154 of Gibraltar Diary

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