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This is Warrington's answer to the Tornado. Must try harder.
People go on about the evils of Tesco (mainly people who have never done a proper day's work in their lives) but to me it is a miracle. Thousands of items brought from all round the world for our benefit. When was the last time a Government or worker's co-operative did anything useful?
Not sure where we saw this but it brightens things up a little. And before you say "There you are - Governments do some
useful things" bear in mind that it was undoubtedly designed by a freelance artist and actually built by a commercial
organisation. Without the wicked capitalists you would rapidly starve to death - ask the people of North Korea - not that
you would be allowed to ask them.
The difference between the USA and a Workers Paradise is that one uses guns to keep people out and the other uses guns to
to keep people in.
Well we must have done something - but what I am not sure.
I always think what a wonderful catapault you could make out of this tree.
I have never found Charlie Chaplin funny. Nor Billy Connolly, Bruce Forsyth or The Goons. I guess they appeal to
people of limited intelligence. Does anybody really think they are funny?
Oh, yes, I forgot - Prince Charles
Well yes - if I had a boat like this I would probably give it some welly under Tower Bridge.
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