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Yet again we ascend the Rock on foot via the Secret Entrance which is within the grounds of the Rock Hotel. On the way up
we spot the superstructure of the
which has been dropped on the quayside.
This time we reach the top at 3.30pm which is before the "non cafe" (vending machines only), closes.
When I wrote a couple of days ago that "I am awaiting research that will reveal that a diet of bacon, eggs and ice cream
will keep you very happy and being happy is half the battle to being healthy", I was not expecting vindication quite so
soon, but according to the Sunday Express, I am right. This should be obvious - the body craves things it needs - very
few people eat grass or soil because billions of years of evolution have tuned our bodies to like what is good for us. So
tuck in ...
Today is a Bank Holiday in Gibraltar because the State won a
crucial case
in the European Court relating to the ability to operate a tax regime different to that of the UK. We wander around in
the glorious winter sunshine - the place is deserted.
In our wanderings we pass the police building just off John Mackintosh Square. Sadly, there are not many buildings in
Gibraltar with any architectural merit but the police occupy one of them.
Although it is cold there is a definite sense that summer is on the way. There are no swallows but more to the point there are no cruise ships! Who is going to buy all of the overpriced cameras on Main Street? There are twenty shops selling "tax free" cameras that can all be bought about 30% cheaper over the web and it is hard to see who buys them other than people on cruises who are in a profligate mood. Disaster looms, I fear.
The mid afternoon finds us in
in Irish Town, (200 70625), enjoying their excellent Victoria Sponge made with real cream. The fact that I have
to make the point that they use real cream is a terrible indictment of the average cake purveyor, whether in the UK or
in Gibraltar.
Meanwhile, the banks continue to fall apart on the world markets - that is because they are all hopelessly bankrupt, apart
from Wells Fargo which is under the wing of Warren Buffett, the world's smartest (and nicest) businessman.
A few years ago I used to live on the fourth floor of a building which adjoined a scrap yard on one side and a truck
repair operation on the other. The view was fascinating. An endless succession of interesting events - most of
them comprehensible and fun - fires, minor explosions, thieves setting off alarms at night, police raids. But some of them
slightly baffling. It was like living on the set of a soap opera.
Now, overlooking the harbour in Gibraltar, the view is conventionally "better" but still has that element of mystery that
makes life so interesting.
So, what is this boat towing? And why?
In the evening we have a small achievement to celebrate and decide to go out to a nice restaurant in Gibraltar. The best
is probably the Rock Hotel (200 73513 ) but we are always there and need a change. Gauchos (200 59700) is
equally good but it is fully booked with a waiting list. The next best is Cafe Rojo (200 51738) which is also full
with a waiting list. The recession has not yet really arrived in Gibraltar.
It turns out that the recession has now arrived at the
Caletta Hotel
as the restaurant is totally empty when we arrive at 7.15pm. Or maybe the word has got out that the Christmas meal we
had there was terrible and hideously expensive. Later two more couple arrive but it is still embarrassingly empty.
Tonight's meal is exquisite but a little on the small side and somewhat expensive but an experience well worth repeating.
Maybe have a snack before you go?
When we get home there is nothing on the TV so I flick through the Spanish Channels and find something luridly
fascinating. Quite what, I have no idea as neither of us speak Spanish.
We set off for Ronda. There is not much traffic on the road - this is because most of it is in the ditch. Presumably it has
been frosty overnight. This is hard to believe as it is like a nice Summer's day in England - bright sunshine and about 17
degrees centigrade. Having said that, it is January and we are quite high up. People are skiing in Granada which is about
100 miles away.
We end up in La Canada shopping centre where they are pushing a flat development called Albatros. Short of calling it "The
White Elephant" it is hard to think of a less appropriate name. As Wikipedia puts it "The word Albatross is sometimes
used to mean an encumbrance, or a wearisome burden." Like an unsaleable flat in Spain, for instance.
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